European Program URBACT IV

  • 17 Αυγούστου, 2023

Approval of the participation of the Development Organization "AMFIKTYONIES S.A." in the European Program URBACT IV, with lead partner "The Greater Paris Metropolis"

Among the 30 Networks, approved by the Monitoring Committee of the URBACT IV Program, is the Project of the Development Organization "AMFIKTYONIES S.A." through his participation in the "Cities@Heart" Network!

The Development Organization "AMFIKTYONIES S.A." participates in the approved cities network Cities@Heart with lead partner "The Greater Paris Metropolis" and partners from Poland, Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium, Ireland and Italy. All partners will draw up an Integrated Action Plan (Action Planning network). They will also have the opportunity to test some small-scale solutions in their cities, developing skills, bringing together local actors and creating transnational partnerships.

The purpose of URBACT IV is to act as a program to exchange good practices and promote sustainable urban development. It will enable European cities to work together and develop solutions to the challenges facing urban centers today. Also to exchange good practices and examples with all the bodies involved in the formulation and exercise of urban policy in Europe.


The URBACT IV program will support transnational networks to improve the capacity of European cities to:

  • co-design and implement comprehensive action plans linked to common sustainable urban development challenges;
  • adapt and reuse established urban good practices and
  • to design investment plans to reproduce elements of Urban Innovative Actions

Lamia, through the work of the Development Organization "AMFIKTYONIES S.A." will have an excellent opportunity to network, collaborate with other European cities and produce work that will enhance the sustainable development of the place and the well-being of its residents.



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